Monday, November 16, 2009

Who cares about Sarah Palin?

Can somebody please tell me why Sarah Palin’s interview with Oprah was reported either on the front page or under top stories or both on all the major news sites (ABC, MSNBC, Fox, CNN)? I mean, okay so she was the vice-presidential candidate in the last race, and she is a political figure. But how does her interview on Oprah qualify as a top story? So she went on and talked about the same old talking points as usual, meanwhile plugging her new book, does that really pertain to major politics? If it does, it’s my estimation that it is only because the media has decided that it does. What I mean is, Sarah Palin was basically unknown until the Presidential Campaign; she subsequently played a major part in the downfall of the McCain campaign, while becoming a media star. The media loves her because the media loves ratings, not because she has any political merit (she demonstrated her lack thereof quite often). But we are still hearing about her. Even after she randomly resigned from being governor of Alaska (a common move for any responsible executive no doubt), and took herself out of the actual political arena, the media still tracks her every move. I find it very pathetic that so much time is spent on her “career”, while so many actual important events are unfolding in the U.S. and abroad. The media should not be focused around entertaining its audience, but informing them on the facts. And then we wonder why the general public is so ignorant. My suggestion: get to the real pertinent issues and forget about Palin.

1 comment:

Brokaelian said...

I'll admit to having a sense of partiality on this topic, as I consider myself to be quite liberal. But really irrespective of my personal views, I think Sarah Palin's political "career" can, on its own, undermine any claims regarding her qualification to occupy a position of such immense publicity. The media has in a very real sense functioned to glorify her ill-preparedness as somehow appealingly ordinary, and therefore relatable to the American people, when extraordinary qualities are required to be a merited affirmative figure in modern politics. To me, the attention she is getting is somewhat frightening actually, as this suggests that people in this country are regarding her as somehow credible, with absolutely no basis in reality.